I'm Sergey and Figure 85 is my portrait photography studio in downtown Toronto.

As you can probably tell by the style of my portraits, I really like cinema. Whether it's American Beauty, Breaking the Waves or A Ghost Story, I'm in. I was among the lucky ones who had seen Vincent Gallo's Promises Written in Water at TIFF in 2010. The film was only screened to the public twice... Anyway! If you are looking for under the radar movie recommendations, I'll provide you with plenty.

Before I got into photography, I was running an advertising agency, matching pure ideas with strict guidelines. Balancing chaos and structure is my beloved hobby, portrait photography is very much about that too.

I have been taking portraits for almost 10 years. I also founded a retouching studio 85retouching, which helps me with making them look great.

What's with the number 85, you ask? For one, 85mm lens is a gold standard in portrait photography. While I'm sure there is more to it, you don't always have to dig to the bottom when it already feels right. The number works for me, and I hope that it will work for you too.
